KATOLSK EVANGELISERING: Det er tid for å gi Europa evangeliet på nytt. Temaet for de katolske Verdensungdomsdagene i Rio de Janeiro i 2013 er "Gå og gjør alle folkeslag til mine disipler". Bildet er fra Verdensungdomsdagene i Roma i 2000. |
I artikkelen "Evangelical Catholics on offense" skriver den verdenskjente katolske teologen, kommentatoren og forfatteren George Weigel at "en dristig ny æra i Den katolske kirkes 2000 år lange historie er på gang", nemlig "den evangeliske æraen".
George Weigel mener vi nå ser slutten på århundrer med motreformatorisk katolisisme, og at teppet har gått opp for nyevangeliseringen,"the Gospel-focused evangelical Catholicism of the third millennium", altså "det tredje millenniets evangeliefokuserte, evangeliske katolisisme".
Evangeliserende paver
Både Pave Benedikt XVI og Pave Johannes Paul II har hele tiden vektlagt behovet for nyevangelisering i den vestlige verden. "Vær ikke redd!" gjentok Pave Johannes Paul II stadig. På de katolske Verdensungdomsdagene i 1993 sa han:"Vær ikke redd for å gå ut på gatene og de offentlige stedene lik de første apostlene som forkynte Kristus og de Gode Nyhetene om frelse på torgene i bygd og by. Dette er ikke en tid for å skamme seg over evangeliet. Det er tiden for å forkynne det fra hustakene!"
- Legg ut på dypet
Weigel skriver: "The Catholicism that has a future can’t be a weekend recreational activity, a lifestyle choice. The Catholicism of the future must be a life-changing and life-forming embrace of Jesus Christ, his truth, and his authority: a radical commitment that shapes all of life."
Offensiv evangelisering
Evangelisk katolisisme handler om en tro som ikke lar seg drive på defensiven av vår tids motstand. I stedet er Kirken på offensiven."Evangelical Catholicism intends to convert the world, beginning with the worlds that surrounds every evangelical Catholic: family, neighborhood, workplace, the public square. Evangelical Catholics go into mission territory every day, know they’re doing precisely that, and welcome the opportunity to offer a deeply confused postmodern world the truth about the human condition that is found in Jesus Christ."
Sterk motkultur
På denne måten vil den evangeliske katolisismen bli en kulturformende motkultur."It will form its own culture, built upon friendship with Jesus Christ, belief in his authority and the church’s authority, sacramental intensity and liturgical beauty, biblical literacy – and a clear understanding that, while everyone in the church has a unique vocation, all those vocations are ordered to mission and measured by mission-effectiveness."
VERDENSKJENT: George Weigel skrev Pave Johannes Paul IIs autoriserte biografi. George Weigels nyeste bok (hans 21. bok), heter “Evangelical Catholicism: Deep Reform in the 21st-Century Church” og ble publisert 5. februar 2013. |
Katolsk reform
Denne dype kirkereformen vil gjøre Den katolske kirke stadig mer katolsk, og stadig mer evangeliserende."Authentic Catholic reform will unfold according to two ancient criteria: the truth the church bears (which it knows through its teaching authority, not through New York Times editorials), and mission-effectiveness. [...]
Because these reforms will be conducted according to the criteria of truth and mission, they will not deconstruct the Catholic Church, nor will they return it to some imaginary golden age of the past. The reform of the church will, rather, make Catholicism ever more evangelical – and ever more a sign of contradiction."
Why do adults become Catholics
Vil du lese mer av George Weigel? Få med deg en annen interessant artikkel av ham her: "Why do adults become Catholics?"
Her er noen smakebiter:
- "There are as many reasons for “converting” as there are converts."
- "If there is a thread running through these varied personalities, it may be this: that men and women of intellect, culture, and accomplishment have found in Catholicism what Blessed John Paul II called the “symphony of truth.” That rich and complex symphony, and the harmonies it offers, is an attractive, compelling, and persuasive alternative to the fragmentation of modern and post-modern intellectual and cultural life, where little if anything fits together and much is cacophony. Catholicism is not an accidental assembly of random truth-claims; the Creed is not an arbitrary catalogue of propositions and neither is the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It all fits together. And in doing so, Catholicism helps fit all the aspects of our lives together, as it orders our loves and loyalties in the right direction."
- "Viewed from outside, Catholicism can seem closed and unwelcoming. As Evelyn Waugh noted, though, it all seems so much bigger, spacious, open from the inside. The Gothic, with its soaring vaults and buttresses and its luminous stained glass, is not a classic Catholic architectural form by accident. The full beauty of the light, however, washes over you from inside."
Foto: Ragnhild H. Aadland Høen
Deg, Herre Jesus, vil vi bekjenne
Den tredje og siste salmen som bet seg fast var Børre Knudsens helt nydelige "Deg, Herre Jesus, vil vi bekjenne". Salmen står under avsnittet "Eukaristi" i den katolske salmeboken, og spesielt i fastetiden er den nesten fast innslag på hver eneste høymesse i St. Paul. Jeg elsker denne selvransakende og lovprisende salmen.Vi synger den på den samme norske folketonen som du finner i salmen "Å, at jeg kunne min Jesus prise". Syng inni deg eller høyt: